Vertex Normal Toolkit Help
Harden Selection
This will harden the smoothing across the selected edges.
It will harden the smoothing on all edges if none are selected.
Harden Polygon Borders
This will harden the smoothing across the boundary edges of the current polygon selection.
Harden UV Borders
This will harden the smoothing across the boundary edges of the current UV map selection.
Soften Selection
This will soften the smoothing across the selected edges.
It will soften the smoothing on all edges if none are selected.
Soften Polygon Borders
This will soften the smoothing across the boundary edges of the current polygon selection.
This will delete or recreate the vertex normal map for the currently selected layers, effectively toggling the edge smoothing on/off.
By Angle
By Angle
This will harden the smoothing across the edges that have an angle less than the current value.
If you have an edge selection, it will only apply to the selected edges.
By Angle, Smooth Others
This will harden the smoothing across the edges that have an angle less than the current value.
It will also soften the smoothing across all other edges.
If you have an edge selection, it will only apply to the selected edges.
Select Hard
This will select the edges marked as hard.
Select Soft
This will select the edges marked as soft.
This will recalculate the vertex normals for the currently selected layers.
This only needs doing if you have edited the mesh.
Area Weighting
This makes larger polygons have more of an influence on the normal of their vertices compared to smaller polygons.
Angle Weighting
This makes the scale of the angle between the edges for the vertex of a polygon influence the polygon's effect on the normal. Larger angles have more influence.
Full Weighting
This makes the vertex take the normal of the largest polygon attached to it.
High Quality Normals
This calculates more accurate normals for non-planar polygons.
Edge Smoothing
This splits the smoothing along the eges marked as hard.
Smoothing Groups
This splits the smoothing along edges with differing smoothing groups on either side.
Morph to Normals
Morph to Normals
This takes the morph offset from the currently selected relative morph map and applies those as the vertex normals.
If a vertex has zero offset, then the vertex normal will be used (the average of the normals of all of the polygons attached to the vertex).
Normal Map Name
Rename Normal Maps
Renames the normal maps of the selected meshes with the custom normal map name.
Auto Rename
Whenever smoothing operations are run, the normal maps of the selected meshes will be automatically renamed with the custom normal map name.